Preparing for Holiday Guests


Now that fall is here, we’re quickly approaching the holidays! And, with them, comes a lot of needed preparation: meals to plan, presents to buy, and parties and gatherings to organize! Given how many people use the holidays as an opportunity to see their family, you might find yourselves with a few overnight visitors sooner than you expect. You only see your in-laws or siblings a few times a year. Why not take some of the stress away by planning ahead for their arrival?


Pick the Right Room

If you’ve got a few potential guest bedrooms to work with, location is key. Try to pick a room close to a bathroom to prevent your guests from having to cross a popular area of the house to get to it, and for the sake of privacy try to keep it away from other bedrooms or the kids’ playroom.


Provide the Essentials

While your guests will surely offer to bring their own toiletries and personal supplies, you could save them some time and effort by providing some essentials for them upon arrival. Clear out some space in your bathroom (maybe with some extra bathroom shelving if needed) and stock it with extra shampoos, conditioners, and so on to make sure your guests have everything they need, even for a shorter stay.


Get a Bed Ready

Even if it’s a modest-sized twin bed, your guests will appreciate having a fully prepared and stocked bed waiting for them – after all, if they can’t sleep in their own bed, why not help try to keep them comfortable? Make sure to include plenty of extra pillows and fresh blankets to accommodate for any sleeping position or style.


In Fact, Get the Whole Room Ready

If you have the space and the resources, you might want to include some extra bedroom furniture to better accommodate your guests. Providing a nightstand would give them a place to keep their phones and drinks, and maybe a desk for a laptop or a smaller table for keeping reading materials on. An armoire or dresser would also help to give them a better place to keep their clothes and prevent them from feeling like they’re living out of their suitcase – after all, they’re at your house, not a hotel!


These tips should help you organize a stress-free holiday season, at least when it comes to guest rooms! When it comes to the various dinners and parties, you’re own your own – but we believe in you!