If you work from home, you may understand the struggles of your working space. Whether you have an entire designated room, or just a…
Creating a Workspace in the Kitchen
“Kitchen workspace” can refer to more than just where you keep your favorite cutting board – your kitchen can actually help you get a…
The Cloffice – Yes, It’s A Real Thing
The term “cloffice” might not mean anything to you just yet, but we promise, it will! Cloffices are exactly what their name implies: a…
Create a Home Office Using Room Divider Shelves
These days, the idea of the ‘home office’ has gone from one of those things that might be nice to have someday, to something…
Create a Study Area for College Students During the Pandemic
This school year has been a particularly turbulent one, no matter how old your kids may be. Confusion over how long schools will be…
Outdoor Homeschool Classroom Ideas
Now that the school year is upon us again, a lot of us have had to quickly adapt to being home school teachers. Among…
Make Your Home Office Presentable During Meetings
A lot of us are still working from home, and even if we’ve finally gotten the hang of Zoom, it’s still kind of weird…