The ridiculous amount of rainfall seen by much of the country these days has been great for the yard, but terrible for the rest…
Tag: storage
Cluttercore, Maximalism, and You
It felt like, for a few years at least, ‘minimalism’ was the order of the day for home design. There were Netflix specials about…
Tips for Downsizing Before A Move
For as many times as a person is likely to move in their lifetime, the process is never exactly…enjoyable, is it? No matter how…
Stuffed Animal Storage Ideas for Kids’ Rooms
No matter what else your kids are into, they’ve definitely owned their share of stuffed animals over the years. Everyone has a favorite bear…
Shelving Ideas for Work Vans
Landscaping companies, home improvement contractors, plumbing, even touring musicians – there’s a lot we need our work vans to do. And, as a result,…
Eco-Friendly Storage Options for the Home
“Sustainable”, “green”, “eco-friendly”…whatever you want to call it, environmentally sound practices are the order of the day for businesses and homes. Whether it’s concern…
Converting a Closet to Pantry Space
Not every house is lucky enough to have a built-in pantry – but all is not lost! Organizing food is always a bit of…